Become a Sponsor
Sponsoring our upcoming events, depending on your level of sponsorship, you will receive advertising on our website, as well as honorable mentions during the tournament. The amount of donation will depend on how much advertising/mentioning is given to your business. All proceeds will go towards our Non-Profit Organization, Minot Area Pickleball Association. We thank you for your support and aim to provide a well known association that is dedicated to giving back to the community.
Bronze Sponsor
$1-$199: You will receive a thank you in the event, as well as a small logo advertised on our website and social media pages.
Silver Sponsor
$200-$499: You will receive a thank you during the event, a main logo advertised on our event pages, social media pages, and website. Our website will display your business name and logo under our permanent sponsors page after the tournament
Gold Sponsor
$500-$749: You will receive a thank you during the event, advertising at the event, full business name/logo and up to two lines of contact information, a small description about your business, advertised at event and on social media pages. All physical promotional material will need to be provided by the sponsor, sponsorship will receive permanent advertising on our website under the sponsorship page with all mentioned logo’s and contact information. Sponsorship will come with a special thanks to: during the event.
Platinum Sponsor
$750+: Your business name will be mentioned before the tournament name, as the headline. If there is more than one platinum sponsor, the first sponsor will receive the tournament name, the second will be the name of the “social event” the day before. Platinum sponsor will also be able to provide any promotional material to be displayed at the event, sponsor will receive advertising on website, event forms, social media, tournament flyers, as well as providing a special thanks to:, Sponsorship will receive a permanent full advertisement of your business under our sponsorships page
Sponsoring our upcoming events, depending on your level of sponsorship, you will receive advertising on our website, as well as honorable mentions during the tournament. The amount of donation will depend on how much advertising/mentioning is given to your business. All proceeds will go towards our Non-Profit Organization, Minot Area Pickleball Association. We thank you for your support and aim to provide a well known association that is dedicated to giving back to the community.